Monday, April 11, 2011
Matt Smith talks "The Doctor's Wife" and more...

Matt Smith has been talking to Entertainment and has been revealing some bits of info about the upcoming series. Here's what he had to say about The Doctor's Wife:
One of the episodes in the new season was written by comics legend Neil Gaiman. What can you tell us about that?
Well, um, not a great deal, as always. Sorry to be a pain! But we were thrilled to get a writer of his sci-fi stature and magnitude on board. And he’s applied his rather brilliant and mad brain to a brilliant and mad idea. All I can say is that the Doctor spends a lot of time with the Tardis.

Michael Sheen is in that episode. What was it like acting with him?
I didn’t, actually. Because he came in and did a voice for it. So I didn’t get any actual scenes with him. Which is a shame. But, god, it’s a real coup to get an actor of his quality.
You can also read a fascinating interview with Neil Gaiman on the same episode HERE. Now, normally I wouldn't speculate but the line: "All I can say is that the Doctor spends a lot of time with the Tardis," does make me wonder if Idris (Suranne Jones), the "old acquaintance with a new face", is in fact his TARDIS... Speculation over.

posted by BLOGTOR at 4:34 AM -

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